Individual Doubles - Men's/Women's

$40 Per Person - 8 Week League

League Structure

Week 1 (Rankings & Group Pairings)
• Returning players will retain their rankings from the previous league and new league players will randomly be put in the bottom group/s of their self-ranked skill level.

Week 2-8 (Rankings & Group Pairings)
• Each week you will be put in a group of 4 based on your previous “weeks” scores and ranked within that new grouping based on your “overall” scores.

Player that scores the highest in their grouping automatically goes up to the higher grouping the following week

Player that scores the second highest for the week within their grouping will either stay in their current grouping or move “up” to the higher grouping for the following week. In order for this player to move up to the higher group their weekly scores need to have been higher than the weekly scores of the 3rd best player in the grouping above them. If they did score higher than that person they will go up and the 3rd place player in the higher grouping will go down for the following week.

Player that score the third best score in their grouping for the week will either stay in their current grouping or move “down” to the lower grouping for the following week. In order for this person to stay in their current grouping and not go down their weekly scores need to be higher than the second-best player in the grouping below them. If they score higher they stay and if they score lower they go down a group.

Player that scores the least amount of points in their weekly grouping will automatically move down one grouping.

Weekly Scoring
• Players will play 3 matches each week played with each person in their grouping. Matches consist of best of three games. Games to 11 win by 2 (regular playing rules apply).
• Players that win their match in 2 games will receive 2 match points and 1 match point if they win the match in 3 games.
• The two players with the highest match points at the end of all three matches will receive one “set” point for the week. If there is a tie with match points then points percentage will determine the “set” point winners.

Match Scheduling
• Weekly pairing will be posted each Sunday morning before 1AM.
• Once weekly pairings are determined then it will be up to each group to schedule the date, time and location their games will be played within that same week.
• All game scores need to be inputted into the shared spreadsheet before 10:30 PM the following Saturday, in order to get the next week's pairings out on time.
• If all individuals in the group cannot agree on a day and time to play, the league default playing day and time will go into effect. The default league day and time will be Wednesday at 7:30 PM.

Missed or Bad Weeks (Attendance Rules)

We understand life happens, and you might miss a week or have an off day. This league is designed to balance fairness and competition:

Missed Week:
The absent player is automatically the player to move down on the rankings list and will receive no additional points to add to their overall score.
• The remaining 3 players choose a substitute to fill the absent players spot for the week.
• If 2 or More Players Miss a Week: The remaining players earn full match and game points for the week and receive one “set” point to add to their overall score.
• Absent players receive no points to add to their weekly and overall scores.

Bad Week:
• Since players can only drop one grouping if they have a bad week or don’t show up then it makes it so they don’t have to work all the way back up from the bottom like most other leagues. This approach ensures players are not unfairly penalized for occasional absences or poor performance, but at the same still allowing others to advance in the rankings. This allows for a more enjoyable and competitive experience for all league players.

Ranking Rules
• First-Time League Players: Rank yourself initially. After your first league, you must start where you finished previously.
• Advancement: Players automatically begin the next league session at the skill level they finished at in their most recent league. This way the competition level stays consistent in each of the following leagues.

Scoring & Prizes
Winning Criteria:
• League prizes are not awarded based on rankings. League prizes are awarded based on “overall scores”, which are determined by set/match points you're getting each week. Even if you end up towards the bottom of the rankings at the end of the league, you can still win the league prize based on your points.
• Individuals (10) with the highest amount of set points at the end of the league will each win $100
• If there is a tie with set points then match points will determine who gets the prizes and if there is still a tie with match points, then the people with the highest points percentage will be the winners of the prizes.

Key Details
Score Entry:
Players are required to input their own scores into the Reality Check App each week.
• Substitutes: If a substitute is used, it must be agreed upon by the remaining 3 players in the group. Overall the skill level of this person doesn’t matter since all three players will have to play with this person and put everyone at the same advantage or disadvantage.
• Consistency Matters: Missing weeks impacts your point totals but doesn’t derail your entire season.